Smile Inducing Toys for Baby's First Easter
Give them the gift of smiles, snuggles, and joyful play this Easter.
Featured toy: Snuggle Pods Hunny Bunny Beige
Babies have so many ‘firsts’. From first smile and word to first time rolling over to sitting up, babies experience so many mini and milestone achievements in the first few years of life. Apart from developmental and physical milestones, there are always first holidays! So many pictures to take and traditions to begin as newborns take part in their first family holidays.
As we head into spring, many first time and seasoned parents are gearing up for their newborn’s first Easter. Whether you’re filling a basket or hiding gifts around your house for older siblings to find, choosing the perfect fillers and hidden gems is easy at Manhattan Toy! We’ve got so many toys in stock; it’s easy to find the perfect gift for your newborn or toddler. Take a look at our Easter gift suggestions by category for your newborn celebrating their first Easter holiday.
Photo credit: @ourminnylife
Featured toy: Bunny rattle from the Bunny Rattle + Burp Cloth set
These toy pairings are excellent for topping-off any baby's gift basket. Our Easter Gift Bundles on sale now for 30% off. Discover combos for baby and toddlers. Or, find yourself a rattle and burp cloth set to nestle alongside the teethers and soft books in their basket. Each set includes a burp cloth plus a plush rattle pal - both featuring nostalgic patterned burp-cloth made from breathable and absorbent cotton-gauze fabric.
Skwish® is a timeless classic great for teething, grasping and skwishing! The Click Clack Ball will have them playfully mesmerized. Between the clicking sounds and soft internal rattle cause-and-effect play is sure to be in abundance. Another top pick for newborns is the Wimmer-Ferguson 3-in-1 Triangle. This unique toy doubles as a playmat or fridge activity toy with internal magnets that easily cling to metal surfaces.

Featured Toy: Basil Bunny
Snuggle Baby Bunny - a delightful first doll with an adorable bunny themed sleep sack. Adorables Theo Bunny is sure to melt their heart with it's super-soft texture and squishy design. How could we not include a Snuggle Pod? Baby is sure to love cuddling with the Hunny Bunny Beige or Hunny Bunny Peach. It's the perfect combination of a cuddly soft doll and a sensory sleep sack.
An Easter surprise is just the thing to capture on film. Snap shots of little Mae finding her first Bunny Pull Musical hidden under the coffee table is something to cherish as the start of a new family tradition. Or, watching as Blake discovers Willow Bunny in his basket Easter morning. Memories are sure to be made this Easter, so make your child’s basket something to remember!
With my daughters being 37, 34 and 30, I have Five precious grands between the three- my youngest is 2 years old. I always LOVED the “Firsts” with my children and my grands – We are soon to welcome a NEW baby in our family. A little boy – so “firsts” will be a delight again! Happy Easter!
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