Keeping Baby Entertained and Actually Enjoying It

1 comment Aug 15, 2019

Playing with your babe

Photo Credit: @brittjoiner_

Contributing Author: Twiniversity*

Let’s face it: babies are boring. We aren’t trying to be offensive, but seriously, they take take take and do they ever ask us if we want to go to the movies or a party? No. We rest our case. If you’re alone with your baby a lot, you may be struggling with what to do with them to keep them (and yourself!) entertained in between feedings and naps. Here are some ideas to make your baby days a lot more interesting:

Say Cheese!

Grab some props, toys, and some silly outfits for a baby photoshoot at home. This one is a win-win: you’re keeping yourself entertained and also capturing great photos that you’ll cherish and laugh at for years.

Pick a larger stuffed animal to use at every photoshoot to show just how much your baby has grown. Make sure to take closeups of their hands and feet because you’ll want to capture how tiny they are (and they grow FAST!) If you’re hard up for entertainment, plan out themes for your photoshoot, such as Disney or “on the go” and take photos at locations around town.

Baby Photoshoot

Photo Credit: @mrskmarino

Reflexology Time!

Do a little research online and learn how to perform baby massage. Baby massage will help your baby to relax plus it’s a great opportunity to bond with your baby. Some researchers say that baby massage may promote better sleeping, relieve colic, and perhaps even enhance an infant's immune system, motor skills, and intellectual development.

A rave right in your living room!

Babies love music! Create a few playlists and let’s get this baby party started! Dance around with your baby and enjoy a little low-impact workout in the process. Make the playlist upbeat during the day and relaxing at night.

This is a great way to start introducing your favorite music to your child. Don’t feel like you have to play only baby music and lullabies -- throw in some Beatles, Bob Marley, NKOTB -- whatever you enjoy most!

As your babies get older and they are able to hold objects in their hands, introduce a few musical instruments, such as an egg shaker, tambourine, and a woodblock and mallet. Start your own baby rock band! Make a new Instagram account to show off your family’s musical stylings with funny filters.

Jam Session

Photo Credit: @vizzso

Baby Pilates

Make sure to schedule a short period of tummy time in between feedings and naps during the day. This will help your baby to strengthen their upper body muscles to hold up their heads and learn how to sit upright. Just a few minutes of tummy time every few hours will go a long way.

To spice up tummy time, bring in the toys! The Manhattan Toy Company Whoozit is the PERFECT tummy time toy to keep your babies looking up. This makes tummy time more enjoyable for them (baby workouts ain’t easy!) and it’s less stress for you.

Play “I Spy”

Playing “I Spy” while you’re out and about with your baby is a great way to keep yourself entertained. Your baby, of course, is too little to play this game, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play by yourself. Talk to your baby and pretend like they’re talking back. It will help them to start learning sounds and words if you talk to them on a regular basis.

Stop Cooking

Visiting a restaurant is great for baby entertainment and it’s a fun treat for you. Make sure to bring enough baby toys with you. This can mean the difference between a calm, enjoyable lunch and a stressful, get-me-out-of-here-ASAP lunch. Also, have a realistic expectation of how long your baby will last at a restaurant -- 30 minutes max. is the norm.

Remember that while right now your baby may just lie there and not really do anything, this will soon change. It’s amazing how quickly the months will pass and before you know it you’ll be chasing them around the playground. Then things will get a LOT more interesting… and you will never be bored again.

Out to Lunch With Baby

Photo Credit: @busybabymats

*Twiniversity is the #1 global resource and support network for parents of twins, featuring daily articles, a podcast, expecting twins classes, giveaways and more. To learn more, visit



1 comment

  • Lu August 16, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    I am never, ever bored! Tired yes, but who can be bored watching the never ending and seemingly moment to moment changes of this tiny developing human being?

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