The Power of Education!
Education is at the top of everyone’s minds this week even if you don’t have a child that is going back to school. Children gain an extraordinary amount of information about the world around them starting at a very young age, even through play. Play is discovery, exploration, joy, growth, learning, and so much more. So we asked our Manhattan Toy moms what things they do with their kids to help reinforce the power of education each and every day.
It is fun to hear how everyone uses education in many different ways!
Check out Manhattan Toy moms list of ideas:
Laeney, Age 5 and Fiona, Age 3
o Start a yearly tradition around going back to school. Every year we take a picture of our daughters on the 1st day of school with a sign that says, 1st day of "whatever year they are in" as well as, have them write their name. It is a fun way to document the first day of school, as well as, look back and see how their handwriting has improved, and how tall they have grown in comparison to the year before.
o Celebrate "1st days" and little daily successes throughout the school year. Let my kids know how proud I am of them for being brave, kind, working hard and being the best "self" they can be.
Addie, Age 3
o Animal recognition cards
o Matching/opposites card games
o Age appropriate board games – incorporates counting, colors, teamwork, etc.
o Practice writing letters of the child’s name
o Have 20 minutes of reading every night before bed
o Count out loud the amount of something in every activity
Izzy, Age 2
o I write letters on our dry erase board, and then she erases the letter I call out. She loves erasing, so it becomes a fun activity.
o With the Parents ABC Blocks, she tells me the letter before we stack it up into a tower.
o Count scoops of coffee beans, and count berries as we make coffee or smoothies.
o Learn size from biggest to smallest with the nesting Seuss Fish Blocks and plastic bath cups
o Finger paint and crayons to teach colors
o I ask her what color does she have on, what color does mommy have on
o Dad likes to make animal noises and have her guess what animal and visa versa
Tristan, Age 2
o We attend music classes for toddlers. My son gets a lot of benefit from it like, creativity, memory development, listening skills, and even exercise from all the dancing and self-expression.
o Counting cars when we put our toys away.
o Making instruments with different shapes and colors.
Zoe, Age 8 months

o We count how many toys we have out, point out colors, shapes and materials (soft, fuzzy etc)
o I always say what she’s touching; Mommy’s nose, then I touch hers and say Zoe’s nose
o Reading books and showing pictures
o Lots of music and dancing
o Whatever we do, wherever we go I always talk to her and tell her what we are doing
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