The Creation of MiO - Part 2 Becoming MiO
The Creation of MiO: Becoming MiO - Part 2 of a 3 Part series
There was much internal excitement, because we knew that we were on to something special. The Manhattan Toy design team is very diligent about researching our work to make sure it is truly unique, we spent a lot of time exploring what was already in the market.
There was much internal excitement, because we knew that we were on to something special. The Manhattan Toy design team is very diligent about researching our work to make sure it is truly unique, we spent a lot of time exploring what was already in the market.
It was important to us that our new toy be non-gender specific. The land of make-believe must not be limited! For safety and developmental reasons, it is for kids 3 and up, however, it is completely appropriate for all ages. We have already gained many adult MiO fans.OPEN-ENDED PLAY
From the beginning our key objective was to incorporate open-ended play. In other words, there is not one way to play! Kids have incredible imaginations, and we wanted to encourage this make-believe play. A small cube may become; a chair, a table leg, part of a tower, a chimney, a nightstand, a step, a waterfall, you get the idea! That is why the pieces are intentionally not specific, they imply familiar shapes and objects, but are not overly defined.
We wanted MiO to be a toy that looks beautiful. It should function as an interesting statement piece, whether displayed on a shelf, or sprawled around the living room floor.CREATING MiO ANIMALS & PEOPLE
[video width="640" height="360" m4v="" loop="true"][/video] [gallery_photo]CHARACTERS
A real break-through came with the addition of the animal/people characters. The wood heads and tactile beanbag bodies added color, pattern, texture and gender neutrality. The characters brought the whole idea to life, the final irresistible element!THINGS THAT MOVE
We started with a very simple car shape. This soon evolved into a little fleet of cool vehicles. The trailer was designed to keep things moving, inspired by the tiny house trend.
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