5 Ways to Beat the Labor Day Blues
Labor Day is Monday. That means the carefree, warm days of summer will soon draw to a close... and so does the freedom of kid's schedules. Sadly, less time will be spent outdoors as the temperatures cool off and the days get shorter. Often as seasons change from summer to fall, a more somber mood overcomes everyone, including little ones. Help your whole family, kids especially, beat those autumn blues with our five suggestions.
1. Predict Your Problems: The more you can predict something will be stressful to your child, the better you should prepare for it and end the problem before it starts. It's hard, but try your best to be organized and think about how your child usually handles new and similar situations to the current changes they are going through. For example, if they are nervous about starting a new school, or just going back to school, go visit it ahead of time with them and meet their teacher. This way they will have a better idea of what to expect their first day. If your child doesn't prepare ahead of time for most things, help them not scramble the night before school starts and help them prepare everything a week or so before, or at least a few days before. You and them are less likely to feel rushed and forget something and feel out of sorts starting a new routine.
2. Include Kids in Scheduling: Ask your kids to help schedule their fall. Have them set up play dates, their study schedule and when to go shopping for school supplies and new clothes. Often kids feel more enthusiastic about something when they are involved in the planning.
3. Help Kids Set Goals: Talk about the last school year with your child and help them set a few goals for the coming school year. Hopefully this will allow them to see their progress and gain more self-confidence.
4. Get the Calendar Out: Just because summer ends, doesn't mean that life just stops. Good things happen all year along and when you're with family and good friends. Start marking down dates now for of all the fun things you'll be doing this fall: apple picking, fall trips, Halloween, etc. The whole family can start to embrace autumn and look forward to all the exciting things ahead.
5. Create Tradition: Help wind summer down with ease by creating a fun tradition that signifies the start of fall, while creating memories. Host a BBQ, picnic or campfire and talk about what an amazing summer it was and what your favorite moments were.
Enough of being melancholy. Get out there and enjoy the beautiful, long summer weekend Labor Day gives us!
Save and print our back-to-school brain teasers! They are sure to help get little ones (and you) in the zone for the fall routine!

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