
Gerberian Shepsky (This is a fancy schmancy made-up name created for a Siberian Husky / German Shepherd Mix)
Age 11
- Loves cats, snow, laughter, goat cheese / hates flies and scorching hot weather
- Any gross habits? Not really. Actually she is very clean…after every meal she cleans her face…our rugs are her napkins. She also enjoys getting her teeth brushed at bedtime.
- Last thing destroyed ……Her stuffed raccoon. Most stuffed animals lose body parts slowly over time…Mr. Raccoon still has a tail, but no eyes, nose or ears.
- Any nicknames? Is there a story behind that? Junie B Jones, Kissbug, JB, Snugglebug, & Bug
- Favorite games? Loves to find us when we are hiding, also she loves to play-wrestle with us. Love to chase off the bunnies (while leashed) we discover on our walks…flushing out all the hidden bunnies in the brush is a favorite thing.
- Favorite toy? Stuffed chipmunk, aka “Chippy”
- Junebug is afraid of Amazon delivery vans that beep and mean ornery cats.
- Favorite non-dog food? Strawberry ice cream.
- 3 words that describe my furry friend: Lovebug, Hilarious, Adventurous.
- When she gets excited, she sings (howls) and grabs her nearest toy…then sings with the toy in her mouth
Fun fact: this snowdog loves to swim! When swimming, she makes a little grumbly noise…we think this is her concentration sound.
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